Citybus 2700 - First 10.6-metre Dennis Trident
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Citybus 2700 (VIN: SFD212BR1VGT30226), registered as JB 5571, is the first 10.6-metre Dennis Trident. The bus is fitted with a Duple Metsec body with only one door. More Tridents of this length can be seen in the fleets of Kowloon Motor Bus and New World First Bus.

  • 2700 on Rt. 260. (Left: 1999/05/22; Right: 1999/05/31)

  • Rear and offside view. (1999/12/05)

  • Lower-deck interior: There are 30 seats and 20 standees. No space is provided for wheel-chair. (1999/12/05)

  • Upper-deck interior: There are 47 seats. (1999/12/05)

  • Please click on the photographs for enlargement.

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